We were SO privileged to have my dear Grandma Bryan, age 104, come and stay with us last week! |
We SO enjoyed our "History lessons" the kids and I all sat around the table asking Grandma questions of what it was like when she was growing up! It all started with the ICE BOX that you can see in the background. They wanted to know if she ever had one... she answered, "NO, we couldn't afford one!" My, how many are the blessings that we have to count today!
Brittany is sharing a violin song with Grandma entitled "Our Eternal Home" all songs about heaven. Oh let's ALL plan to meet there. "Will the circle be unbroken?" My daily prayer is that God will woo the straying ones and keep us all on the "Highway of Holiness!"
It was fun having Grandma sit on our front porch and introducing her to all of our neighbors! Again, I forgot to get that picture!
When Gram and Gramp come, they always bring treats, like this yummy cereal!!!(and Yes, our son admitted that he thought He was SPOILED!!!)
and who says that my kids can't handle the sugar?! I don't see any "extra" side effects, do you?
Bryan's 1st art project (more from our School Haus to come later)... and of course he just had to share it with Grandma Bryan too!
We love you and MISS having you with us still, Grandma! Thank you for your Godly example to our family, for your prayers and love gifts to missionaries for years and years! Thank you for being brave enough to make the trip at your age. Thank you too for braving all of our stairs, morning and night! You are so special to us and we are SO glad that Jesus kept you safe! Thanks for obeying the "rules" too! =) I told her that she only had ONE RULE that she HAD to obey while she was at our Haus... and that was "NO FALLING!" Jesus helped her as we PRAYED lots and wouldn't let her hardly move, poor thing, without at least 2 of us around to "cushion" her, should she start to fall! Grandma, I hope, that if Jesus tarries and I live to be your age, that I'll be as gracious as you are! We Love you!
Thanks for stopping by our Haus! Come again, soon!