Well, for those who were worried that we actually got ripped off by only getting 25% of the tree, here's "the rest of the story".
Sometimes I have a little twisted humor and my family wanted me to actually let everyone know that we actually had a complete tree.
The tree and lights were a gift from my mother when she downsized. Thanks Mom!
We would like to take this time to say "S nova Godum ee S Razdisfoam" to all of our dear Russian friends! (to all Russians, please forgive the spelling, I only did that so we crazy Americans can try to pronounce the words correctly)
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to our dear Russian friends! Russians celebrate Christmas on Jan 7th, following the Russian Orthodox Church's leadership in it's celebration. As many of you know, we here in the West have followed the Catholic celebration on Dec. 25th, thus the difference.
Since going to Russia, we've decided to leave our decorations up until after Jan. 7th, to honor our dear friends in Russia! You are often in our thoughts! May God bless you and keep you!
May the baby who was born in a lowly manger, be Lord of our lives! He came to this earth to die for our sins. All we have to do is repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour!