Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Why do those horses have those things on their eyes? That was the question that my son asked me as we were walking back from the well. Our water is not good enough to drink and so each week we go to a local well and fill our pitchers with water, bring them back, Laura boils the water, filters it, and then it’s suitable to drink. On one recent trip back from the well,Bryan asked me that question. He was referring to the blinders on the horse, but thought they were sunglasses. Horse and wagons are another common occurrence around here. So this was just a normal everyday thing. I looked at the horse to make sure I knew what he was referring to and then told him why they are important. “Bryan, those are so that the horse doesn’t get distracted by the cars and other things around him. They are to make sure that the horse keeps it’s eyes on where he's supposed to go.” His reply was, “Oh!” But I wasn’t done! Why miss an opportunity to share a principle with him. “Bryan, it’s kind of like what Jesus wants us to do. He wants us to keep our eyes on Him and not get distracted by what is around us in the world.” He doesn’t put blinders on us but the same principle is true. May we keep our focus on Jesus!

1 comment:

The Dickinsons said...

This is VERY GOOD! I was thinking of the same thing while I was reading about the things on the horses eyes. Have fun with your parents!

Love, Heather and family!