Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day, Momma!

 Our Example!

Celebrating Mother's Day with you, 1 week early!

Dearest Moma,
Those two words pretty much sum up our heart-felt thoughts, but to make it more interesting, I decided to make those words up into an acrostic... well sort of!=)  Some of these I had to use "text" spelling to make it fit, since I didn't inherit my Daddy's or Heather's abilities of making rhymes! =)
Our Example!
O-ther's first.  In our minds there is NO other Momma with more of a servant's heart, than you!
"Ur" (pronounced You're) our Prov 31 Momma... hands down! the best EVER! (And thank you for not judging me for not measuring up to you.  Especially since my version of being a "Biblical Woman" is still in the Bible; but somewhere stuck back in the maps section!=)
R-ejoicing Heart! Thank you for refusing to allow the trials of life to take away that silly, flirting with Daddy way you have, and just your fun-loving self that we all love soooo dearly! That, in and of itself, has been an example to me more than you'll ever know!
E-tiquette Queen!  Right up there just after Emily Post of course! =)
X-traordinary  Never any such thing as "just getting by for you"... always has to be as near perfect as is humanly possible! From ironing pillow cases to table settings to rolling out Sunday Dinner rolls, everything has to be perfect!!! =)
A-dvice   You and Daddy are amongst the 1st we call when we're in a pickle, for we know that you'll pray much with us as well as, give us godly council and I'm so blessed to have you for parents!
M-oma!  No other word fits you! But oh the wealth contained w/in that word! There are absolute volumes of knowledge therein, which you have endeavored to lovingly pass down to we four kids, then our mates, and now on to your grand-kids! and if Jesus tarries I know you'll pass on your knowledge to your great-grand-kids in God's time! (Keith and Natalie that's just for you! lol!=)
P-apa's loving wife!  Even if the most romantic thing you always told us you did was to "iron his shirts" =) Thanks for ALWAYS gladly following Daddy wherever God has led him!
L-oving our mates as much as you love us! And Yes, we'll forgive you for loving your grand-kids MORE!  After all, what Gram doesn't?! =)
E-conomical!  You always found a way to make "somethin' out of nothin' ". In fact you had that whole 'Home Economics 101" thing down pat!!! I can't Thank you enough for this trait that you've passed on to both of your missionary daughters.  You prepared us WELL for life on the mission field... even if we did end up landing on two different continents! =)
Happy Mother's Day! I love you Moma!
Love, Laura and Family

Just the Grand-kids from this Haus!

Mother Daughter Banquet 2013

 For more pics from the banquet see

Heather just posted LOTS of pics from this FUN Mother Daughter banquet and since she's the pic queen, I'll just link you to her post for more details there!

Saturday after the banquet was over and a ...much needed nap... we found this park!

"Go Faster, U. Phillip!"

dizzy anyone?!

Jesus totally healed the weather... we were praying hard for this was the only weekend we could have with everyone!  So thanks first to Jesus... and second to Daddy and Momma for all the work of having us all over.  So nice to get to be together and then for the beyond yummy supper!  Thanks Daddy for the pizza and Momma for the yummy fresh salad and cookies, fresh homemade mint tea! Delish!

Family Song by the Dickinson's!

"God's Got a Plan for my Life!"
 So fun to get to stay over and hear Phillip and Heather give their presentation of the work God has helped them to do with His Help and All Glory to God, GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!  Just love these lil guys!  Elijah and Mary were singin their lil hearts out! So cute!

Gram with about 1/2 of those Grand-ones!
 We ALL love you... hope you have a wonderful Happy Mother's Day! Love ya SOOOO much, Laura

 And one parting SILLY shot for you... T,B,K, "You don't have to thank me, but you probably should!" (Adventures in Odyssey quote =)

Fun Times!!!


The Dickinsons said...

Laura, Loved this post. Loved what you wrote about Moma, very good. There was SO MUCH MORE I could have written in my poem about Moma, but I didn't think they wanted to read a BOOK! =)

Was a tad late getting my Mother's day post posted. Just got it posted and then saw that you used the very same pic of Daddy and Moma. =)

Enjoyed being together and the fun times last weekend. Enjoyed the pics you posted of the park and all too. FUN LAST PIC..Yes, I'm sure N,B, and K will LOVE you for that one. =)

Love and miss y'all TONS!

sherryldickinson said...

Laura, I loved this post, and especially since I have a great interest in the people who were included in it!
You have a 'one of a kind mother' but you also are building a beautiful 'Mother' reputation that no one else can imitate. I think you are one of the sweetest, kindest, most tender hearted, loving, hospitable, and genuine mothers. Too, I love seeing the help and love you pour upon Heather and Phillip, your 'across the street' neighbors. Phillip told me you and your family do way more than you should for them, and I told him that Laura loves doing it for you guys because she loves you all so very much. Bless you for your kind heart of love, Laura. It's such a blessing. I'm happy to be your friend.
Heather's mother-in-law, Sherry

mmsbryan said...

Thank you Laura for your nice acrostic. It was special to be the Mother our church chose to honor this year. I had no clue that it was me until the greeting from your letter was read, "Dearest Moma." I am so delighted that you all could be with me for the Mother/Daughter Brunch. I loved seeing and hearing your girl's turn those violins into fiddles, I think the other ladies did as well. :-) Thanks again for your kind words I do need to scold you, however for telling Daddy's church that I flirt with their pastor! You do not need to write in rhyme, you express your heart very well and I am still trying to be all that you think that I am. Also remember next time that "spell check" does not know how to spell my name.;-) Love, Moma

Daryl Hausman said...

I corrected the spelling just for you Moma! ;-) Love you SOOOOO much!
xoxo Laura

The Dickinsons said...

I loved what you had to say about our dear "MMSB!" I also loved the pics! Thanks! Phillip