Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

 Daryl was asked to preach at a Chinese Church this year in Dayton.  God blessed his message to my heart as once again I sat there listening to my wonderful husband preach and Blessed the Lord for being Mrs Daryl Hausman! 

This year's Mother's Day cards and flowers! 
                     When Daryl brought home these hanging plants I was thrilled.  I LOVE the freshness of flowers... but since I pretty much have only BLACK THUMBS.... here's hopin I can keep them lookin as nice as they look now.  I loved their choice of gifts... for each time I look out my window doing dishes etc I see this plant and THANK JESUS for the four children that these represent!
Out back off our newly built being built deck! =)
 Each of the girls expressed this wishes in their own love languages... I just love the variety of their personalities... Darla's was a very colorful note of thanks, so typical of her sweet colorful self.  She's "Miss Bubbly"! Brittany's was kind expression of her appreciation and love... but of course she had to mention her all time F.A.V.E. ..... Food! =) Natasha chose to express her thoughts on FB this year. And since I L.O.V.E. variety... I was so pleased with each kid's "taste of something different"!! =) 
Front Porch!

My Cummins Truck Mother's Day card! =)

  I had to smile... laughed out loud .... when I opened Bryan's card to me this year.  He is such a dear boy and I thought maybe you'd enjoy seeing his expression of love to me.  It was just another lesson to my heart of how Jesus loves and accepts us for who we are and is totally O.K. with how we express our love to Him!


I'm SO Blessed to be privileged to be a Mother 4 times over!  God has been SOOOO good to us!  I've never known the heartache of "empty arms", never known what it was like to not be able to be a Mother.  God has blessed us with very healthy children and I bless His name!  They are all four very different which is sometimes a challenge to know how to connect!  But I thank God for the wisdom He gives.  Even just this a.m. I found a challenge from God's Words and it met the need of my heart's cry... to be like Jesus!  I'm so glad that our heavenly Father gave us the gift of Motherhood! I fall sooooo short of what I desire to be...
Thank you Natasha, Brittany, Darla and Bryan for your Mother's Day Expressions to me, each in your own way, which makes them all the more special to me.... I got to end my special day yesterday with a long heart-to-heart mother-daughter chat!!!  I sure do LOVE this Haus Full! =)


Daryl Hausman said...

Dear Laura,

Just read several entries on Investing in Eternity and enjoyed some interesting pics.

Thank you for the nice letter you sent to be read in church last Lord's Day. I appreciated it both being read here, and being posted on your blog.

Glad to hear that the service in the Chinese church went well.

Love and Prayers,


(Feel free to move this onto your blog as a comment if you wish.)

The Dickinsons said...

Laura, enjoyed seeing these pics and reading about your nice Mother's Day. I LOVED Bryan's card to you! Too cute! How fun you got to be with all of your children on Mother's day.

Your potted plant is so lovely!
I too was given a potted plant from the Dowd's church we visited that Mother's day morning, but as I couldn't take it all the way back to our home in Ohio, I gave it to my friend Luann.

Love you bunches and so glad you had a Happy Mother's day! You a good Mother!
