Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The excitement of missionary living! Sorry for the twisted humor. Every month, I must pump out the sewerage. Thankfully, there's a pump, plenty of hose, and a garden. The rain water that is in the ground also leaks into the holding tank and so it fills up quickly. It was quite the Monday, since I used it to work around the house. Besides, pumping out the sewerage, I spent several hours hugging a toilet to fix a problem with the one commode. There's no easy way to fix those things, except to get really close. It's not always glamorous living in a foreign country, but there's never a lack of excitement.

If you noticed, that's my dear son watching me. He likes to ask, "you workin Papa?" When I say yes, he loves to come and help Papa. His desire to be like Papa, has reminded me often of the responsibility I have as a dad. I don't want him idolizing the gods of our day, like the sports stars who are far too often ungodly, selfish, and filled with un-Biblical philosophies. Some kids first thoughts, words and actions, emulate the gods they are being taught to serve. So what am I doing to give him the desire to be like Jesus and have a desire to follow the philosophies of God's word? Our children are the first souls we must win!

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