Sunday, October 22, 2006

Where has the time gone? I've been looking back at some old photos and it has me thinking! (No photo for now, difficulty in uploading pics, without being disconnected....typical foreign country problems) I don't like to look at photos sometimes because I see how my children are growing and time seems to be going so fast. However, it is also a time to stop and reflect on whether we are seeing the results we want to see with our family. It's a time to ask ourselves the question, are we actively training & teaching our children about Christ and His word? Sometimes a course adjustment is needed or a new course taken. Our number one concern is our family! Even as missionaries, our number one concern is to raise our children to love and serve God! Our investment in our family is not deterring us from any ministry God calls us, it only helps. We've seen time and again how God has used our children to break down the walls so the seeds of the gospel could be planted. We've also seen how God has used the talents He's blessed them with, to minister to hundreds and hundreds of people. So investing time in our family, whether it be music lessons or family time is not wasted nor "un ministry", it's the most important ministry we can be involved in. Would you covenant with us to pray for our family? It's not been easy for our children at times with a new culture, new language, or new friends. We need your prayers so that the plan of the enemy will be defeated and God will reign supremely & forever in their lives.

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