Monday, December 04, 2006

The big winners in the "guess who" contest in the look back was all of you! So each of you can give a 1000 dollars to the Mission or Missionary of your choice. Being in God's will brings peace, which allows us have joy and then we can share the most blessed news in all of the world....that Jesus can save us from our sins. Praise God!

With the building of Hope Chrisian Fellowship Center we are trying to be agressive in reaching out to our needy world. The Center will be used for children, youth and even the "not so young" to try to share the good news that Jesus can save them from their sins. Continue to pray for God's leadership and the necessary funds for Phase II of the project.

Those 2 adoreable children in the "Look Back" section are none other than your's truly and my older sister Doreen. They look a little like our 2 youngest and hence the reason for the photo. Aren't you glad your not related to me, or you might have had your picture on the blog.

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