Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas gifts to the Gypsies! Each year Sally Sebo makes out Christmas packs to give to many, many, people. One of these groups is the gypsies. She holds a service for the gypsy children each Sunday in a nearby village. There were over 125 children crowded into a small church eagerly awaiting their Christmas gifts. We were not all allowed to attend because our attendance would have brought even more chaos. Sally must sneak into the church the night before and put the gifts in the church and make sure no one sees or hears. The reason for this is because if someone sees, then all of the gypsies will come the next day for the gifts and we would have major problems, one being, not enough gifts. Also, if they were to hear our diesel van or see it, they would know what was happening and so only one of us could go, preferably one of the children. Natasha jumped at the chance and she was able to go help hand out the gifts to these children.

Thank you Sally for your labors with these children and we thank you who support Sally Sebo, this project, and us. If it wasn't for your generous support we would not be able to link up with Sally and help spread the love of Christ to some desperately needy gypsy children.

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