Here's a quote that I've recently run across. It is very profound and obviously, not original with me. If it was original with me, it wouldn't be profound. Don't say "Amen" to loudly!
"Politics don't determine a culture; Culture determines Politics."
It's no wonder we are in the shape we are in with our political world. We as the church have not done our job to reach the lost and therefore impact our culture.
The predicament we are in politically, should scare us to our knees and then scare us into actually getting out and impacting our world.
That is exactly why I try to engage in some political activity! I may not be able to impact the world as a whole but, I sure can impact one at a time!! Thanks for the quote that is awesome! Michelle J
Powerful quote, Daryl! It is so true; thanks for posting it! And thank you, Michelle for your labor of love for our dear USA. We need more people with character like yours making the decisions of our country. Another quote: "America is great because America is good." A signer of the US Constitution said, "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it." They knew that National greatness came only from God blessing a nation's goodness (nation = individuals making up the larger group). All the badness and tyranny that is cropping up right now in the USA is the fruit of what has been in hearts for some time. We Christians actually need to go right to the root to effect changes. The greatest responsibility for effecting changes that lands in the lap of the Church and the Holy Spirit. For us the church, prayer (for the Holy Spirit to convince men of sin, righteousness, and the judgment) and making disciples are the great change agents. "America the Beautiful, God shed His grace on thee." May God continue to pour out His grace with a mighty awakening.
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