Sunday, November 30, 2008
We found this Christmas tree at a Thrift Store, marked 75% off! I wonder why it was so cheap! This truly is a Charlie Brown Christmas!
Seriously, I remember so well at how God provided both in Russia and Romania just simple things like a Christmas tree. Sure they were about 4 1/2 foot tall trees but it was such a blessing to see how God provided for our kids hearts. Sure some of these things are cultural things, but it sure is nice to be able to brag on Jesus and how He came through again. God and His people are the greatest, I have no stones to throw!
Thanks again for all of your prayers! God is good, all of the time!
BTW: If you'd like to be reminded of a list of things I'm thankful for, just for a start, go back to November of 2007 and check out my blog posts and you'll get an idea.
We are blessed more than we deserve!
Thanksgiving Home School Party!
Here's our home schoolers from our church! They recently had a wonderful Thanksgiving get together!
God performed a miracle for one of the boys. He had major back surgery 6 days before the party and it didn't look like he would be able to come. Our great God intervened and the young lad was able to enjoy the time amidst the pain and weariness!
We have a lot to be Thankful for, just go ahead and start listing all of the blessings!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Another one of God's blessings! Our girls are blessed to have a wonderful teacher by the name of Martha Miller. Natasha had the privilege to perform in a special piano concert just recently and everyone did a fine job. Thank you Mrs. Miller for the wonderful job you do! May God bless you as you labor for Him!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
So now we are "camping out" in our new home. There is still lots of work that needs to be done but God is helping us. We just try to keep the finished project in mind.
Thanks Bro. Eisenhart for reminding us that God does this type of work on us. He sees the finished project in us and takes a broken, cracked, and messed up life and makes it something beautiful.
We had grilled chicken for dinner today. I cooked it on the "George Foreman" grill that was given to us. Since we don't have a stove operating yet and any tables we have are filled, I cooked it while sitting on the floor. Don't you just love life.
Trust me, I'm not discouraged or asking for sympathy! Life truly is exciting and we are move blessed than we ever deserve. Don't forget, "there is hope for the future, because God's already there."
We would appreciate your continued prayers the physical needs and the leadership of God. As if working full-time and remodeling a house wasn't enough, I decided to enroll in a class at a University. God has helped in the class and I'm very thankful but we need God's divine leadership in this particular area as far as the future goes.
On a Sunday afternoon, while we were still "camping out" at our place of lodging it got very windy. The air was warm and getting pretty bad windy. I hadn't heard that they were calling for 30 MPH winds, but this reminded me of Hurricane time in FL. The air was very warm and getting worse all the time. I knew the winds had to be pretty strong. My guess was 50-60! Later I found out that the wind gusts were up to 86 MPH. Not quite like FL but bad enough. Large trees were falling on the camp ground we were staying at and lots of power was gone. Well, come to find out, a tree also fell on our house and caused some damage.
I'm reminded of a gospel song that has meant a lot to me over the last couple of years! "God sees the storm from the other side. He knows the lessons learned and just beyond the clouds He sees clear skies." He speaks peace to the raging storm, when peace could not be found. He already sees the rainbow, when we see only clouds." (sung by the Collingsworths)
Well, in August we moved out of the house we were renting, but only for a couple weeks because God had opened up a real cheap house for us to buy. it needed and still needs lots of work but it was cheap! I'm all for that! Well, as you know, a couple of weeks turned into months because of bank issues, etc. etc. etc. Financially, it seemed a whole lot wiser use of God's money to put it into a house than someone else's pocket. In fact, the money used for a couple years of rent, could buy this whole house! Praise the Lord!
Just a side note: This "housing crisis" was not something that came out of nowhere. The severity of it could have been avoided! It's a man-made problem! Trust me, I've been out there looking at houses, talking with Realtors, bankers, etc. Greed and covetousness played a large part!
Like I said, "it needs lots of work, but it's got potential." That's the only kind of house we can afford, "one that has potential." Even our kids know that word now because we've used it so much!
Here's the kitchen cabinets after they were removed!
Just think, the poor young man who left his fathers home, lived it up for a while ate the corn husks that the pigs left behind. His money was gone, his friends were gone, and all he had was his smelly grunting "friends".
However, whenever we come to the end of ourselves, if we'll confess our need of a Saviour and repent of our sins, God will always "welcome us back", just like the Prodigal Sons' father did.
We've had a lot of things happen over the last 4 months or so but to update you, basically we've been camping out. We are so thankful for all of our friends who have been so gracious to allow us to store things, give us shelter, food, and be of such a help to us. God's family is truly the best!
We've also had a historic election just recently with much animosity on both sides! After getting up early on Election Day, voting and heading to work, God flooded my heart with such peace and it came with the song, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name." From that time on, God has reminded me what our job is. Our job is to share Christs' love to the world, not stick our heads in the sand! Scripture says, "...the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." That means we are to be on the offensive for the Kingdom of God, not the DEFENSIVE. Wake up church, and that means you too Daryl! It's our job to love, witness, share Christ, get out of our cozy homes and get into the worlds' world.
These are exciting times and at the times of crisis in our world, it's in those times that Christ shines brightest.
Are you trusting in our political system or in Jesus Christ?
We've also had a historic election just recently with much animosity on both sides! After getting up early on Election Day, voting and heading to work, God flooded my heart with such peace and it came with the song, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus name." From that time on, God has reminded me what our job is. Our job is to share Christs' love to the world, not stick our heads in the sand! Scripture says, "...the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." That means we are to be on the offensive for the Kingdom of God, not the DEFENSIVE. Wake up church, and that means you too Daryl! It's our job to love, witness, share Christ, get out of our cozy homes and get into the worlds' world.
These are exciting times and at the times of crisis in our world, it's in those times that Christ shines brightest.
Are you trusting in our political system or in Jesus Christ?
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Happy 101st Birthday to Grandma Bryan! Ruth Bryan turned 101 today, went to church with us, was her spry old self at dinner and even blew out all of her candles on her cake! After blowing out the candles one replied that "she was a professional." She's had lots of practice!
We are blessed and honored to have a dear saint who is a prayer warrior and very generous giver to Missions.
Just think of all that has happened in our world, the inventions, the technology, the people who've come and gone, since 1907 when she was born. Are we a better nation now than we were back then? Are we more Godly or more wicked? Can it still be said today that, "America is great because it is good?" Are we more hooked on being "Great" than being "good"?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Happy 18th Anniversary, Laura! Your are the greatest and I am so happy God brought us together. Laura and I enjoyed a wonderful Anniversary weekend at Serenity Log Cabins. It was absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!!!! Just what we needed! If you want time away with just your wife, snuggled back in some peaceful woods, then this is the place. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful butterflies, hearing and seeing the birds, saw one doe about 30 yards from the cabin, and the beautiful cabin itself.
The cabins are owned by some friends of ours, Dave and Regina Eckert, who attend the Christian Nation Church and they have done an excellent job. You won't be disappointed! We want to especially thank Jackie Foley who gave us this special gift for Laura and I to relax and get away. Thanks Jackie, it was worth every dollar you spent and we came away not only just having a relaxing time, but more refreshed and rejuvenated.
Please visit their web sight for more information!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers Day to Laura! She's a wonderful woman, great wife, cook, homemaker, mother and friend. I'm glad God has allowed her to be my wife. I'm truly blessed. If you want to know what a Proverbs 31 woman is, then just get to know my wife. We've joked about the part about "buying and selling" property, which isn't Laura's strength, but if you apply all of that to one who is frugal, makes good financial decisions, etc. then she passes the test. God has blessed our family with a Great Woman! Happy Mothers Day, Laura.
Mothers Day has come again, same as any other
And yet on this special day, we must thank our mother
Thank her for the work she's done, even when her praise is none
Thank her for her love and care, for it is only fair
She works all day and night
She works with all her might
To make sure her "cubs" are fed
And then tucked into bed.
Thank you for the work you do,
Mommy, I love you.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What are we doing having a child old enough to go to VIP Day? I don't know but I don't like the fact that our kids are growing up way too fast.
Natasha expressed interest in going to VIP day at GBS&C. So, since we don't live too far and have no idea how God will lead us in the future, we decided to jump at the chance, even though she has plenty of time before heading off to College.
She's expressed interest in Music, Missions, and does a good job in teaching as well so I'm not sure just how God is going to lead her but I'm thankful for her openness to God's will! She said she really had a good time and I enjoyed taking her.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
It's good to see you all again and we are enjoying the time together.
There's nothing like coming back "home" after a couple of years in another country. However, you come with mixed emotions because you love the people you just left and love the people you are going to see. You also realize that, in once sense, your "home country" is not like it was when you left. God enlarges our coasts and home really ain't home. Confused yet! One man has said it something like this. A Missionary is most comfortable in an airport, for he is always going to see someone he loves.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
What a weekend to Remember! We had about a foot of snow or more (last weekend) and we were snowed in, but we didn't mind for we were at a weekend seminar! I don't want to be guilty of just saying my wife is important, but I want to be guilty of proving it to her! She wanted to go to one of these for a long time, but our circumstances haven't allowed us too. So when we found out that there was a Family Life - Weekend to Remember seminar here, locally, we chose to invest in our marriage and family. Sometimes we are so "bottom line" oriented that we only look at the dollars and cents and make decisions on this fact alone. Investing in our family and marriage can't be weighed by dollars and cents. It's an investment!
With that being said I state some of my core beliefs in these areas:
- My relationship with God is first and comes before everything else. I am to love God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength!
- My relationship with my wife comes second! When we got married, we became a family! Adam & Eve were the first family! Children increase the size of the family. They should not be the focus but an addition to the family! Our focus should be on our mate.
- The children come next and are my third priority. "The best thing you can do for your children is to be a good husband to their mother." If I have a good relationship with my wife, loving and caring for her, it will bring security to the children.
- Ministry/ Missions/ job/etc. comes 4th. This is not a selfish kind of thing where family comes above all else but a Biblical thing where I invest the most in the lives of those who God has placed under my responsibility. Why would I forsake those that I have the most influence over in order to spend more of my energies on those that I only influence for a short while. In reality, our family has expanded our ministry, not limited it!
Recently, while my parents were here to visit, we took a field trip with the kids. (notice their notepads that they brought along with them) We went to the Creation Museum and it was a wonderful field trip. Not only was it Scientific but it was Biblical and you didn't have to constantly hear things like, "billions and billions of years ago". We came away not only learning more about Creation but more about our AWESOME God. Truly He is the only one who is AWESOME for it is only God who we look at in awe!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
For those of you who even care!!
Here's the answers to the birthday questions:
1. . How much weight has Daryl gained since he got married? 10-15 lbs, depending on the day
2. What is his favorite sport? Basketball
3. What is his favorite car manufacturer? Toyota - a wise use of God's money
4. How many states has he visited? 48 or 49, I've been having doubts about the state of R.I. other than that, I'm trying to figure out how I can arrange to visit Hawaii
5. How many countries has he been in? I think 16
6. What is his favorite non-veggie food dish? Chili
7. What was his favorite dog's name? Rita
8. What is his hobby? Playing basketball
9. Is he right handed or left handed? "Everyone is born right-handed, but only a few, talented, gifted individuals soon overcome this obstacle!" (that should give you a clue)
10. What foreign country did he enjoy visiting the most? Austria
11. What historical place did he like visiting the most? Hard to limit it but it would have been Red Square, Aushwitz & Dachau Concentration camp
12. What Bible College did he graduate from? (smile) I put this in as a little bit of humor because we had a bunch of our GBS friends over, so I had to get them to write down HSBC, Hobe Sound Bible College.
13. Is he an early bird or night owl? Mornings were made to be taken real slow and very little talking.
14. What is his least favorite household job? Cleaning the bathroom, in particular - the TUB!!!
Here's the answers to the birthday questions:
1. . How much weight has Daryl gained since he got married? 10-15 lbs, depending on the day
2. What is his favorite sport? Basketball
3. What is his favorite car manufacturer? Toyota - a wise use of God's money
4. How many states has he visited? 48 or 49, I've been having doubts about the state of R.I. other than that, I'm trying to figure out how I can arrange to visit Hawaii
5. How many countries has he been in? I think 16
6. What is his favorite non-veggie food dish? Chili
7. What was his favorite dog's name? Rita
8. What is his hobby? Playing basketball
9. Is he right handed or left handed? "Everyone is born right-handed, but only a few, talented, gifted individuals soon overcome this obstacle!" (that should give you a clue)
10. What foreign country did he enjoy visiting the most? Austria
11. What historical place did he like visiting the most? Hard to limit it but it would have been Red Square, Aushwitz & Dachau Concentration camp
12. What Bible College did he graduate from? (smile) I put this in as a little bit of humor because we had a bunch of our GBS friends over, so I had to get them to write down HSBC, Hobe Sound Bible College.
13. Is he an early bird or night owl? Mornings were made to be taken real slow and very little talking.
14. What is his least favorite household job? Cleaning the bathroom, in particular - the TUB!!!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Here's just a piece of Brittany's piece. If there's any poor sound quality, it has to do with the digital camera, which isn't the greatest for videoing.
This is just a sample!
God really helped and we thank God for the wonderful teacher, Mrs. Collins.
Brittany is playing a piece by J. S. Bach, entitled Bouree
Here's a quote that I've recently run across. It is very profound and obviously, not original with me. If it was original with me, it wouldn't be profound. Don't say "Amen" to loudly!
"Politics don't determine a culture; Culture determines Politics."
It's no wonder we are in the shape we are in with our political world. We as the church have not done our job to reach the lost and therefore impact our culture.
The predicament we are in politically, should scare us to our knees and then scare us into actually getting out and impacting our world.
"Politics don't determine a culture; Culture determines Politics."
It's no wonder we are in the shape we are in with our political world. We as the church have not done our job to reach the lost and therefore impact our culture.
The predicament we are in politically, should scare us to our knees and then scare us into actually getting out and impacting our world.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
During this great month of February many great people were born, such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Edgar Bryan and the list could go on and on. Oh by the way, I celebrated one as well! :) My kids wanted me to have a party since it's been almost 10 years since I've had one, a party that is, not a birthday. So we had a bunch of friends over and wished we could have had more, however we were concerned about parking and not having enough space. So we enjoyed a good time of fellowship together with a bunch of our friends here from CNC. Then on my actual birthday we went to my favorite restaurant, Skyline Chili. After that, we went to a Brass Concert at the University of Cincinnati. Being good Missionaries, we found out that the concert was free, otherwise we would have opted for listening to Brass on a CD.
BTW: Here's a few of the questions that were asked at my birthday party to see how much you know about me.
1. How much weight has Daryl gained since he got married?
2. What is his favorite sport?
3. What is his favorite car manufacturer?
4. How many states has he visited?
5. How many countries has he been in?
6. What is his favorite non-veggie food dish?
7. What was his favorite dog's name?
8. What is his hobby?
9. Is he right handed or left handed?
10. What foreign country did he enjoy visiting the most?
11. What historical place did he like visiting the most?
12. What Bible College did he graduate from? (smile)
13. Is he an early bird or night owl?
14. What is his least favorite household job?
Hello, after a one month break! Yes we are still alive and God is helping us but I've chosen not to keep updating. My kids and wife have been after me to update the blog so I've given in to their wishes. :) I started blogging primarily just to keep people informed as to what was going on in our lives while we were on the Mission field. So now that we have been home on furlough, I kind of put it on the back burner because I'm not one to just surf around and read other peoples blogs. I also am not one to parade everything that is going on in our lives, so I just thought I take a break.
Continue to pray for Laura's back! Progress is very slow and she's still in pain! Pray that God would heal her, for His glory!
Continue to pray for Laura's back! Progress is very slow and she's still in pain! Pray that God would heal her, for His glory!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Once a month, the youth from Christian Nation Church try to go to the Ronald McDonald house. We bring all the supplies, cook the meals ourselves, serve it, and then clean up.
Many of the people that go to the hospital need to stay there long term, for different reasons, the Ronald McDonald house, provides a place for these people to stay. One man who we met on our most recent visit brought his little boy all the way from Chicago for bone marrow transplants. The boy must be here for 45 days and this boys father is staying the entire time. One can read the hurt, on the guest's faces. It is definitly an eye opener! It is a joy to be a light in their very dark world!
Here is Grandma Bryan with her long-time friend, and prayer warrior, Mrs. Downing.
These two saints enjoyed having fellowship together and Laura said she was so blessed just to be able to take Grandma to visit Sis. Downing and sit in on the rich fellowship.
Sis. Downing has never met us before in our lives, yet she said she has been praying for us every day. May God give her many more years for we can't live without the prayers of our dear prayer warriors who support us so faithfully with their prayers.
These two saints enjoyed having fellowship together and Laura said she was so blessed just to be able to take Grandma to visit Sis. Downing and sit in on the rich fellowship.
Sis. Downing has never met us before in our lives, yet she said she has been praying for us every day. May God give her many more years for we can't live without the prayers of our dear prayer warriors who support us so faithfully with their prayers.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
What do you do when you are 100 years old? We've had the wonderful opportunity of keeping Laura's Grandma for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Laura's parents are visiting their other favorite Missionaries. Grandma Bryan is 100 years & 6 months old.
She loves to read and has been reading us out of house and home. Just last week she read 5 or 6 Missionary books, just last week. Here she is reading the Sunday School Papers to the kids.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Yes, I'm still alive and doing quite well thank you!
Special Prayer Request:
Please do continue to pray for Laura's back. She is in much pain and she needs a special touch from God. Basically for the last 4 plus years, she's lived in pain almost daily, sometimes worse than others. She's been a real trooper and if it were me, I don't think I would have lasted as long as her, in fact, I know I wouldn't have lasted as long. She has had an MRI as well as several Doctors have told her that surgery is not necessary, but her body isn't responding well to treatment. We would appreciate your continue prayers in this matter. Natasha also is being treated for a form of scoliosis and pray that God will help her body to respond well to the treatment as well.
Thank you for your prayers and for your support!
God bless!
Special Prayer Request:
Please do continue to pray for Laura's back. She is in much pain and she needs a special touch from God. Basically for the last 4 plus years, she's lived in pain almost daily, sometimes worse than others. She's been a real trooper and if it were me, I don't think I would have lasted as long as her, in fact, I know I wouldn't have lasted as long. She has had an MRI as well as several Doctors have told her that surgery is not necessary, but her body isn't responding well to treatment. We would appreciate your continue prayers in this matter. Natasha also is being treated for a form of scoliosis and pray that God will help her body to respond well to the treatment as well.
Thank you for your prayers and for your support!
God bless!
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